Wolfpac 003 Jul09 by Robert on July 9, 2021 at 12:00 am Chapter: Wolfpac : The BeginningCharacters: Adam Look OUT!! └ Tags: Adam
So is Waya and who ever the main guy is called alright? Maybe his name is Mark or David ?
I think you got this comic mixed up with the 1st 2 comics that CDRudd made.
I *think* the main male character is named Adam? But don’t quote me on that.
Man, Robert’s been doing great with checking the dialogue on these last few pages. Maybe he should get his full peanut rations back?
I know, right!?
(I actually fixed the spelling on that “screech”, lol)
Can’t figure out what is in the middle pannel at the top.
Very sure it’s some sort of camera.
Wolf: “Waaaait… That human totally didn’t just run me over and leave me lying in the road. And it’s… hurt? What’s going on?”
Whew! The wolf’s O.K. That was almost a nasty accident. 😉
It was a nasty accident and I am glad the wolf’s O.K. Someone had to take [spoiler] to the [spoiler] and [spoiler spoiler sploiler] him with a spoon. [that was fun. 😉 ]